Hello again, with Autumn in our sight I thought I'd show an ourfit I like wearing during the season!
Number. 3
Classic Autumn Outfit
Love the fur on the hood!
Ooh faux leather bags...
Zipped up
Check these knitted gloves out!!!
From the back
Keep 'em in your bag
Flower detail
This necklace is soo nice x
My Brooch idea*
The outfit again
So, most of this outfit is from Primark apart from the hat which I have had for a long time so this is a fairly cheap look.
*This idea came about when I was thinking about what necklace to use on the outfit I was going to use it but found it was too short but really loved the charms with the look so I gathered it up and pinned them with a hair pin to act like a brooch!
The good point about this outfit is that it's warm yet it doesn't have sleeves so it can also keep you cool on the on-off days.
If you would like to see another nice autumn look
click here!
Best Wishes,
The Butterfly Wing