Friday, 22 March 2013

0 A blog to have a look at

Don't you love it when you find something that really inspires you?-well i certainly friend introduced me to the blog 'Simply Me' an arty blog with mixed media and art journaling as her main posts. I think it's GREAT! She, every Wednesday does an inspiring Art Journal page and a video on how she did it. I also love her design/layout of her blog i always feel as if i should get my journal out and a couple of pants and do something. Trouble is, it's never as good as what she does on her blog...but i guess we all get the case of 'art envy' once in a while. It's only natural!

So here is an example of her Inspiration Wednesday posts...


Don't tell me that's not pretty...

Haha isn't she great?

Hope thata this post has made you want to do some art or even check out her blog
go on-you know you want to...

^ (this is the link) ^

With love from me at
The Butterfly Wing


Monday, 18 March 2013

0 Watercolour

It seems a while since I last posted but I guess there's not much point in excuses 'cos there isn't really much point and there isn't really an excuse...ha. So, anyway I thought I'd show a few watercolours as I'm getting quite into that at the moment. Here are things to do with them,

Have a good scroll...

DIY Tags - Fun with Watercolor

Lovely Idea for tags

Illustration | Tumblr

Seahorse sweet

Watercolours by Helen Dardik

Lovely colour


Banksy watercolour 


Really nice choice of colour in this
watercolour cats

Aah cats


Feather x
Watercolour lipsticks...

Loving the lipstick

Rainbow of colour

Dream Catcher. Watercolours <3

Dream-catchers in water-colour looks cute

All the animals reminds me of Noah's Ark


You can imagine this as a scene from a New York window

Fabulous Watercolours  Just follow your heart...............
Fabulous Watercolours

I'm doing something like this in my sketchbook

i like watercolours

I want this one x


Love these doodle type ones

Watercolor Techniques
Textures with watercolour


This is really pretty

Have a great week


Saturday, 2 March 2013

0 Saturday Styles

I guess it's about now that we all start feeling a bit tired of the weather-a bit cold here a bit windy there. So, there's never anything to remind you of winter in Saturday styles (at least on this one anyway)

How It came about
Ever bought something then realizing it has nothing to go with? Well that's what the case was with this skirt (Primark @ £10) my mum bought it and I loved it because of the stretchy lace and peach underneath. Really all you need with an outfit like this to do your self is to pick one colour then either black or white and highlight that  colour within your outfit-it really works!
'Not much spending-still trending'

With love from ,

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