Hi guys! Well it seems a year since the last time i actually updated on here...yeah sorry 'bout that but i guess there's plenty to catch up on though. What have i been doing, then? i hear nobody ask well a few things really...
-you tube uploading
I want to start with an end to my Saturday style posts this is just the scrapping of the promise to do it on a Saturday. I would be keeping the fashion element to my blog every so often and the page up, this will mean that i do more of my own clothes outfits on the mannequine. I find it hard to do fresh styles when i'm repeating items of clothing from past styles so i may in the time after each one have been buying things which i could therefore use in my new styles.
Instagramming, i'm loving it. I'm a new user and will follow you back after you follow me. I just love the vintage look of it here are some of my pictures so far...
If you want to follow my user name is 'Rozzie100'
Youtubing? Well my friend and i have a new you tube channel...i'm debating whether or not to say so i will get back to you on that soon!
Rehersing. For a few months now i have been rehearsing for a play the first to be able to be done outside London which is VERY exciting.
As far as tidying my bedroom goes...it always has to be done. During the summer hols i look forward to doing my room up. He he...